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[转贴] SMTP典型错误:“550 5.7.1 Uable to relay user@domain.com” 的研究 现象:(同类错误的表象:错误发生的环境; 详细错误报告) OutlookExpress弹出一个错误对话框,说“处理所需任务时出错”。 错误描述: 由于服务器拒绝收件人之一,无法发送邮件。被拒绝的电子邮件地址是“zhengyun_ustc@XXX.com”。主题'test';账户:'ma ilserver',服务器:'mailserver',协议:SMTP,服务器响应:'550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for zhengyun_ustc@XXX.com' ,端口:25,安全(SSL):否,服务器错误:550,错误号:0x800CCC79 Pickup方式,让本地的SMTP Service来向外发送邮件却是可以的(脚本示范在附录A中) 弹出一个标题为“Windows 脚本宿主” 的错误对话框。错误描述为: 错误描述: the Server rejected one or more recipient address.The server response was:550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for 代码: 8004020F Event Type: Warning Event Source: MSExchangeTransport Event Category: SMTP Protocol Event ID: 1709 Date: 9/6/2000 Time: 5:21:28 AM User: N/A Computer: SERVERNAME Description: An SMTP client did not authenticate before attempting to send mail. Access was denied. Data: 0000: 05 00 07 80 ...?
Event Type: Warning Event Source: MSExchangeTransport Event Category: SMTP Protocol Event ID: 1710 Date: 9/5/2000 Time: 3:31:03 PM User: N/A Computer: SERVERNAME Description: An SMTP client authenticated as user "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" attempted to send as "User.one@domain.edu". Access was denied because the authenticated client does not have permission to Send As this SMTP address. Data: 0000: 05 00 07 80 ...? The following recipient(s) could not be reached: User@Remotedomain.com on 1/6/00 7:58 PM The originator does not have permission to submit message dns;Wsilver.com failed 5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for User@Remotedomain.com 我们先来了解一下前面报告的错误号的含义: Error Name
5.7.1错误号的定义: 1. Success (as 2.<X.X> numerical codes) 详细定义可以参见RFC 1891和RFC1893。 1.General access denied, sender access denied ? the sender of the message does not have the privileges necessary to complete delivery. 2.You are trying to relay your mail via another SMTP server and it does not permit you to relay. 3.The recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled. For example, a recipient’s mailbox delivery restriction was sent to receive from a Distribution List only and non-member’s email will be rejected with this error. Troubleshooting: Check system privileges and attributes for the contact and retry the message. Also make sure you are running Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1 or later for other potential known issues.
附录A: set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMessage .from = "User@XXX.com" .To = "zhengyun_ustc@XXX.com" .TextBody = "body" .Subject = "Subject" With .Configuration .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing";) = 2 'cdoSendUsingPort .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver";) = "mailserver.tomocorp.com" .Fields(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25 .Fields.update End With End With objMessage.send 原因与解决方法:
发生5.7.1错误可能是由于Exchange的System Manager中的SMTP虚拟服务器的设置中没有选中“allow computers which successfully authenticate to relay”复选框。如下所示,先打开SMTP Virtual Server的属性页的Access页:然后点击“Relay”按钮,察看“Allow all computers which successfully authenticate to relay,regardless of the list above”是否选中: 或者是DNS没有被正确配置。应该确保MX纪录指向正确的SMTP虚拟服务器。如果DNS没有配正确,incoming SMTP connection可 能会随机连接到错误的SMTP虚拟服务器。 也可能收件人的邮件地址并不符合现有的收件人策略。 解决办法:正确地配置DNS MX记录; 允许验证通过的机器能够被中继;
第二种解释: through an Internet Service Provider's SMTP gateway. 2.You are logged onto an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and attempt to send e-mail through another Internet Service Provider's SMTP gateway. 3. You are using a cable modem or ADSL to get to another Internet Service Provider and attempt to send e-mail through that ISP's SMTP gateway. 这种问题的发生是ISP们的设置所造成的,ISP们这样做,是为了防止SPAM(垃圾邮件)。比如SOHU和新浪的SMTP服务就是ESMTP 命令集,用这些服务器发送邮件,就需要先通过身份验证,否则会得到如下所示的提示: 新浪的反应: 第三种解释: Express所在的客户端与服务器端之间有一个Cisco防火墙,而该火墙启用了SMTP inspection。 (Extension to SMTP (ESMTP) commands can also be removed by Pix firewall software.) 第四种解释: 。也就是说,是对方禁止,而不是本地服务器禁止这种行为。 给出错误解决步骤比较详细的文档: 单列出两个检查点: 1.Verify the Binding Order 2. Verify the Relay Settings for the Exchange SMTP Virtual Server
小结: user@externaldomain.com”的错误通常属于设计意图。也就是说,为了防止Internet上的Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE),Microsoft的SMTP服务,默认,是不允许一封邮件通过它中继到外面的邮件地址的! 详细情况可以参看《SMTP Service Release Notes》。
下面是其中的一段话: ------------------------------------------------------------ Restrictions on Relaying Mail Through Microsoft SMTP Service ------------------------------------------------------------ Because of the growing problem on the Internet concerning Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE), Microsoft SMTP Service, by default, does not allow mail to be relayed through it to an external e-mail address. Mail addressed to any domain not configured for the SMTP site is rejected with the error "550 Unable to relay for <mail address>." To allow mail to be relayed from specific IP addresses, change the settings in the "Relay Restrictions" section of the "Directory Security" property sheet. site a prime target for UCE. UCE can consist of special offers, commentaries, or any message a sender wants to convey to as many recipients as possible across the Internet. Often, senders relay UCE through well-known, trusted servers on the Internet to make messages appear as though they originated from a trusted host, or to make it difficult to determine the origin of the messages