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--- 邮件不能发出去一封 ( http://www.168318.com/bbs/ShowPost.asp?ThreadID=324 )

发表时间:2007/8/17 16:17:34




2007-8-17 16:08:45 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:08:51 21248144 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mail.juyinet.com - 553: <mail.juyinet.com>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user xiaojianfeng@juyinet.com

2007-8-17 16:08:52 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 10054: Socket Error # 10054
Connection reset by peer.
2007-8-17 16:08:52 21248144 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mail.juyinet.com - 554: <xiaojiantian@163.com>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied

2007-8-17 16:08:52 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:08:53 21248144 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mail.juyinet.com - 553: <mail.juyinet.com>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user xiaojianfeng@juyinet.com

2007-8-17 16:08:54 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:08:55 21248144 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mail.juyinet.com - 553: <mail.juyinet.com>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user xiaojianfeng@juyinet.com

2007-8-17 16:08:55 21247664 ** D:Send - aaokjfxiao@gmail.com - alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com - 550: [] The IP you're using to send email is not authorized
to send email directly to our servers. Please use
the SMTP relay at your service provider instead. q16si4042248qbq

2007-8-17 16:08:58 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:08:59 21248144 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mail.juyinet.com - 553: <mail.juyinet.com>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user xiaojianfeng@juyinet.com

2007-8-17 16:11:01 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:11:02 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:11:02 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:11:02 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:11:06 21248144 ** D:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - mx.mail.163.split.netease.com - 421: closing transmission channel

2007-8-17 16:11:06 21246224 ** D:Send - aaokjfxiao@gmail.com - alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com - 550: [] The IP you're using to send email is not authorized
to send email directly to our servers. Please use
the SMTP relay at your service provider instead. e18si1036095qbe

2007-8-17 16:19:05 21170496 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - smtp.gmail.com - 530: Must issue a STARTTLS command first n20sm3071552pof

2007-8-17 16:19:39 21170016 ** S:Send - xiaojiantian@163.com - smtp.gmail.com - 530: Must issue a STARTTLS command first n20sm3072498pof


发表时间:2007/8/17 23:13:13

1.163.com 邮箱不接收直接发信,即dns发信,所以会全失败

2.不支持smtp.gmail.com 作为smtp发信, 所认用gmail作为smtp发都会失败(最新版的群发已支持smtp.gmail.com)


请参考 http://www.168318.com/bbs/ShowPost.asp?ThreadID=3

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